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Department of embassies and international organizations

Department of embassies and international organizations

An office, as a representative of a group of foreign embassies and international organizations inside and outside Syria, registers international organizations wishing to start international work in Syria with the official authorities and completes the official approvals.

Additional services are provided through.

-Providing legal advice on social security and tax income, in addition to legal advice on financial regulations relevant to the work of international non-governmental organizations.

-Review general agreements to gain an understanding of the context of legal aspects and provide necessary guidance, contract templates as well as sample current or previous contracts for employees and external service providers and make recommendations to enhance them to better reflect HQ requirements and host country legislation.

-Provide guidance in the preparation of updated drafts of the Bylaws Framework for TDH in Syria

-Provide advice to ensure compliance with state regulations to avoid any penalties.

-Support issues related to visas, entry permits, work and residence permits for all employees including expatriates as needed.

-Providing legal advice in all matters involving disputes that may arise from time to time.

-Perform legal duties such as court cases.

-Advising the appropriate parties to be included in the renewal of a lease contract in Damascus near the embassy.

-Advise on a reasonable amount of time under the existing lease to remove our property and equipment.

-Advising on the current status of claims against a property owned in Syria and options for selling or renting the property.

-Advice on terminating the lease in Damascus.

- Reviewing the proposed new lease contract in Damascus for the embassy.

-Advice on terminating the rental contract for the private house in Damascus.